
Just Recovery Gathering

Recharge. Rebuild. Reconnect.

April 9-11, 2021

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People around the world are coming together to collectively reimagine our future. Join us.

Now is the time for the climate movement to reconnect! The Global Just Recovery Gathering is a three-day online event featuring interactive workshops, cultural sessions, and hands-on trainings. Build your skills, strengthen relationships, and hear from a powerful line-up of climate leaders, artists, and musicians in every corner of the world. Join us in designing a new path towards a better future for all.


Choices are being made right now that will shape our society for years and decades to come.

A Just Recovery from the pandemic that simultaneously tackles the climate crisis is essential. What ideas do we have, what opportunities do we see in the horizon, what can we learn — and how can we collaborate with one another?

During the Global Just Recovery Gathering, there will be:


There will be exciting panels featuring incredible activists and thought leaders from around the world.


There will be a diversity of workshops on a variety of climate campaigning skills and topics.

Movement Stories

Space will be dedicated for people to network and share their experiences and stories.

Sing and Create

We will host cultural sessions throughout the Gathering where artists and musicians around the world will be sharing and we want to engage participants to create their own art.

See the Programme

Featured Speakers & Artists

This event will feature a powerful line-up of climate leaders from all over the world, as well as interactive workshops and sessions for all experience levels.

(More will be announced soon)


The Global Just Recovery Gathering is a project led by We welcome organisations all over the world who want to partner. If you are interested, reach out to:


Current Partners

Action Aid International ★ the Association of Women’s Rights in Development – AWID ★ Avaaz ★ Beautiful Trouble ★ C40 cities ★ CAN International ★ Campaign Bootcamp ★ CIEL ★ Climate Migration Network ★ The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty ★ Friends of the Earth International ★ Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action ★ Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice – DCJ ★ Global Gas & Oil Network ★ Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation – GIFSEP ★ Greenfaith Greenpeace International ★ Haki Nawiri Afrika Health of Mother Earth Foundation ★ International Trade Union Confederation ★ IISD – International Institute for Sustainable Development ★ JVE International NEON New/Mode Oil Change International ★ Oxfam International ★ Pathway to Paris ★ Power for all Seed Mob ★ WeMove
African Youth Initiative on Climate Change – AYICC ★ Asian Environmental Youth Network ★  Engajamundo ★ Fridays for Future Bangladesh ★ Fridays for Future Brazil ★ Fridays for Future Latin America ★ Fridays for Future Pakistan ★ Fridays for Future Uganda ★ Fridays for Future USA ★ Green Environment Youth Korea Kenya Environmental Action Network ★ Kishoka Youth Organisation ★  Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines ★ YouthNet for Climate Justice
Abibiman Foundation ★ Açık Radyo ★ AFIEGO – Africa Institute for Energy Governance ★ Association Catholique pour la Protection de l’Environnement au Burundi ★ Attac France ★ Bersihkan Indonesia Coalition ★ Better Food Foundation ★ BIPoC Climate Justice Network ★ Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği CAD Zimbabwe ★ CAN Latin America ★ Catholic University of East Africa ★ Centre for Citizens Conserving – CECIC ★ Centre for Human Rights and Civic Education Cercle des Grands Pionniers – Bénin ★ China Rights ★ Climate Clock ★ Climate Justice Charter Movement ★ Climáximo ★ deCOALonize ★ Defend Defenders Dialogue China, inc. ★ Earthlife Africa ★ European Network Against Racism ★ Fahamu Africa ★ Fossielvrij NL ★ Gaia Pacha ★ Gastivists ★ GIFSEP ★ Girls for Climate ★ Global Catholic Climate Movement – Latin America ★ Green Environment Youth Korea ★ Green Saturday ★ Greenpeace Brasil ★ Greenpeace Mediterranean ★ Greenpeace South East Asia ★ HAKI Africa ★ Hayatı ve Doğayı Koruma Platformu ★ Home Planet Books ★ Instituto Alana ★ International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific) ★ Jeune Vert Togo ★ Jeunesse Unie pour le Progrès et le Développement – JUPD ★ JVE Côte d’Ivoire ★ JVE Rwanda ★ Kentsel Stratejiler ve Yerel Uygulamalar Derneği ★ Klima Action Malaysia – KAMY ★ Konzeptwerk Neue Oekonomie ★ Kozalak Derneği ★ the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination ★ Liberte o Futuro ★ Life After Coal ★ Living Laudato Si ★ MOCICC ★ The Movement Hub ★ Museum of World Religions ★ Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) ★ Namati ★ Natural Justice Kenya ★ Newcastle Environmental Justice Alliance ★ Notre Affaire à Tous ★ Nu Climate Vision Klerksdorp ★ Poor People’s Campaign ★ Powershift Nepal ★ Omnipresent Living Art ★ Project 90 by 2030 Réseau Climat Développement Réseau des Associations pour la Protection de l’Environnement – Sénégal ★ Rise for Climate Belgium ★ SAFCEI ★ Save Lamu ★ Shell Must Fall ★ Sierra Club ★ Sierra Leone School Green Clubs ★ TEMA Vakfı ★ Türkiye Tabiatını Koruma Derneği Ayvalık Temsilciliği ★ Ulex Project ★ Uganda’s Little Green Hands ★ United Front ★ Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance ★ VAM asbl ★ Waterberg Women’s Advocacy Organisation ★ WESSA ★ WoMin African Alliance ★ World Resource Institute Africa ★ Yeni İnsan Yayınevi ★ Yerel İzleme Araştırma ve Uygulamalar Derneği ★ Yeryüzü Derneği ★ Yeşil Düşünce Derneği ★ Yeşil Gelecek Derneği ★ YUVA ★ Zetkin Collective ★
350 HK ★ 350 Kenya ★ 350 Taiwan ★ 350 Pilipinas ★ 350 Vietnam 350 Ghana Reducing Our Carbon ★ Fossil Free South Africa ★ 350 Seattle ★ İklim İçin 350 ★ 350 Côte d’Ivoire

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! There is no cost to register or participate throughout the event.

See the programme summary here.

All times for specific sessions are available after you register and sign in to the virtual event platform, at

The climate movement is global, and so is the Gathering: the event covers all timezones!

You choose what sessions to attend. For the full experience, you can join a 6-hour ‘cycle’ for each of the 3 days in your desired timezone; otherwise, simply drop in for individual workshops. Each 6-hour ‘cycle’ will include:

  • An opening musical performance and an inspirational panel of keynote speakers
  • Your choice of smaller-group, interactive sessions including Workshops, Cultural, and Movement Stories sessions
  • Plenty of time for breaks so you can rest and step away from the screen, or network with other participants and partner organisations

This is a public event. Participants should be aware of this when participating in sessions. In addition, you may want to consider your own digital security, such as using VPN.

Also, facilitators and moderators will work to ensure sessions are conducted with dignity and respect between participants.

This will be an interactive, dynamic online experience – much more than a standard webinar or zoom call.

All you’ll need is a good-quality internet connection, and an appropriate device. (See more below if you think you may need help with either of these).

For the best experience, with full interactivity, join using a computer or tablet. A smartphone will also work, but it is less ideal, as the networking chat functionalities of our event platform are not available on smaller screens.

For software: our technology provider recommends the Chrome browser, though Firefox, Safari, Edge, and most other modern browsers, will also work. Internet Explorer is not recommended. Plenary sessions will be streamed in your browser.

To join interactive sessions, you will need to download the Zoom videoconferencing app.

Watch our Orientation Video to learn how to navigate our Virtual Event Platform.

Our conference programme now includes over 200 interactive sessions and workshops. We can’t add more pre-scheduled sessions now, but you are welcome to visit the Networking > Groups space, and start your own discussion room that anyone can join.

The networking function is demonstrated at 5:45 in our Orientation video.

Diversity is at the heart of this event, and we’re committed to building an accessible and multilingual experience. We acknowledge that access to clear, easy to understand information and communication is crucial for enabling participation. While recognizing our limited resources and capacity, we have chosen a key platform due to its accessibility functionalities.

We are providing multilingual audio interpretation, live-captioning and other accessibility tools in all plenary sessions, and whenever feasible. The set of languages (and captioning) that each session is available in, is displayed in the ‘Sessions’ section of the event platform.

Learn more about languages, and how to find sessions in your language, by watching our Orientation Video – which is spoken in English, but captioned in all the languages we are supporting.

Acknowledging that internet connections vary in quality and cost around the world, may be able to provide monetary support to some individuals or groups of participants, through a Participation Equity fund that will be managed and assigned by’s national or regional teams.

We will broadcast the events on YouTube and Facebook, as those require less bandwidth (in those cases, though, other accessibility tools such as interpretation and translated simultaneous captioning are not available due to the platforms’ limitations). Wherever possible, we will be posting those events with captions afterwards. is an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in the United States. is hosting this event as a space for climate and social justice movements. Speakers, facilitators and artists will be speaking on their own behalf and do not necessarily represent’s views. If you want to donate and support this effort, click here.

Step 1: Register by filling out the form at

You should receive your temporary password in an email within a few minutes of registering.

Step 2: Log in at, using your email address, and the temporary password.

Password isn’t working? Make sure you have not copied the space before the password, right after the “:” symbol. You can also click ‘reset password’ at the bottom of the log-in page, to be sent a new password.

Still not working? Is something else wrong? Email and a real human will help you find the solution!

For tech support, or general questions:
or, for live-chat support within the event platform, visit the Networking tab and find the “Tech Support” user.

If you have safety concerns, or if someone is being inappropriate, discriminatory or abusive:
If you can, please take a screenshot and copy the link of the relevant session.
Alert or, for live-chat support, visit the Networking tab and find the “Safety Team” user.

Your feedback will be so helpful for us – this is our first-ever virtual conference, so we, too, are learning as we go. Thank you in advance for your patience as we figure out this new approach to gathering together.

All plenary sessions and cultural sessions will be recorded and made publicly available on the website.

Some Interactive Workshops and Movement Stories sessions will be recorded, if the session host and all participants have given their consent to be recorded. will work to make those recordings available in the weeks following the Gathering.

Just like a real live conference, all our sessions are ‘live’, so if you pause a livestream and come back a few minutes later, you will have missed what was said while you were away.

Recordings of some sessions, which you will be able to pause, stop, and re-play, will be available only a few days or weeks after the Gathering. It is always better to join a session live, so that your participation and questions can help to shape the session.

Yes. You can request a certificate of participation by emailing We will send these a few weeks after the event.


If you have more questions, you can reach out:

Support our Climate Movement

Donate to support the Global Just Recovery Gathering so we can bring together climate activists around the world. If you can, chip in to build a powerful climate movement.


Made with for the planet.

Global Just Recovery is led by