
Just Recovery Gathering

Recharge. Rebuild. Reconnect.

April 9-11, 2021

On April 9-11, people around the world came together to collectively reimagine our future. The Global Just Recovery Gathering was a three-day online event featuring interactive workshops, cultural sessions, and hands-on trainings. Stay connected and find more ways to get involved.


Top Videos

The Global Just Recovery Gathering was filled with powerful panels, workshops and other sessions. Here are just some highlights.


Opening Panel: Just Recovery for All

Panel #2: How to Postpone the End of the World

Panel #3: Grounding Ourselves: Science Updates & Our Mental Health

Panel #4: Hearing the Guardians of the Earth

Panel #5: The Urgency of Intersectional Organizing: BIPOC Voices on Climate

Panel #6: End Fossil Finance

Panel #7: Climate Solutions Can Only Succeed with Justice at the Heart

Closing Panel: Building Power Through Youth Organising


Keep building your skills to help grow the climate movement. Here are some available resources:

With this guide, you will be ready to successfully transition your face-to-face events for warmer online spaces. Written by Jeanne Rewa and Daniel Hunter.

Other Languages: Polish, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Korean

If you’re wondering how to build a powerful, strategic movement that can make big wins for climate action, this is your guide. Written by Daniel Hunter. Featuring a foreword by Greta Thunberg.


Guides on how to use digital tools to share your story. Written by Thelma Young-Lutunatabua.


Educate yourself! Become an expert on climate change and social change, and learn the actions you can take to help.


Liberating questions to help us envision and build a better world. Written by Marcel Taminato.

A guide for activists on creating art that will strengthen your strategy and help your vision come alive. Thanks to David Solnit and Kevin Buckland.

Find more tools and resources to help you strategise, organise and run trainings.

Get Involved

Get involved with campaigns in your area and make sure you stay engaged after the Gathering. Here are some actions you can support:



  • End Fossil Fuel Finance Pledge – Millions have mobilized to stop the climate crisis from getting worse. Now’s the time to follow the money and pressure all banks, insurers, and governments to stop funding fossil fuels.
  • Newsletter for the Future – Fridays for Future has a newsletter you can subscribe to and get updates.
  • Go Clean, ICBC – As the largest bank in the world, ICBC has a great potential to become the world’s best bank by stopping all its financing to dirty, dangerous coal. This coalition campaign will launch very soon; in the meantime, pledge your support and receive updates at moments you can make a difference.
  • Join the COP26 coalition gathering coming up 22-25 April, to prepare the mobilizations around the next UN conference on climate change.
  • Ummah for Earth – discover the project and stories.
  • Gastivists – join the resistance against gas infrastructures.



  • Move the Money for a Just Recovery – It’s time to move the money for a Just Recovery in Asia! Asia hosts 60% of the world’s population which represents the majority of the most vulnerable communities to the impacts of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. International financing institutions, multilateral development banks, and export credit agencies must come together and demand the end to fossil fuel finance, and chart a Just Recovery path where no one gets left behind. Sign up to demand public development banks to move the money away from dirty fossil fuels.
  • ‘Big Three’ commercial banks campaign – Learn about the state of public support for fossil fuels by the Japanese government in comparison with G20 countries and reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.
  • Let’s Divest – 口座から 未来を変えよう。預金先の銀行に「クールバンクに変更する意志」があることを伝え、方針転換を促します。「クールバンクに乗り替えました!」と報告することでよりパワフルに方針転換を後押します。
  • ATO4NEN – The Government of Japan is reviewing the “Basic Energy Plan,” an important policy that determines the future of Japan’s energy. Join the growing chorus of people demanding to protect the environment and their future, not the shortsighted economic benefits of companies that have relied on fossil fuels and nuclear power plants.
  • Omnibus Law – The Indonesian government approved a sweeping jobs-creation bill that loosens labor and environmental regulations – posing a threat to workers’ rights, environmental protection, and the protection of indigenous peoples, farmers, and frontline communities. Sign to show solidarity with the people of Indonesia fighting for their rights.
  • Clean Air for Adana – Iskenderun Bay in Turkey has been surrounded by intense polluters. We do not want the currently-under-construction Hunutlu coal-fired thermal power plant in the region, but clean air for Adana!
  • Junk Terror Law – Stand with Filipino Environmental Defenders against the Terror Law! Defending people and our planet is not terrorism! Demand the Duterte administration through the Philippine Congress to repeal the Anti-Terrorism Law by signing up.
  • Green New Deal – Bangladesh must keep coal and gas out of its energy transition plans and cancel all coal plant projects and use the land to kickstart new solar energy projects.



  • End Fossil Finance – Public and private banks pour hundreds of billions of euros each year into the fossil industry and the only way to stop them is through sustained public organising and people power.
  • Stop funding climate criminals! – We’re calling on the European Central Bank and President Christine Lagarde: don’t pour billions of euros into dirty fossil fuel corporations. Stop funding the climate crisis! (EN / FR / DE / NL)
  • Green New Deal – It’s time for the government to step up and deliver a real plan for health, for jobs and for climate action.
  • Bank of England / UK finance
  • Kein Geld Für Klimaverbrecher / ECB – Europa befindet sich wieder im Lockdown. Die Europäische Zentralbank gibt Corona-Finanzhilfen in Höhe mehrerer Milliarden Euro frei – und lässt sie Kohle-, Öl- und Gaskonzernen wie Shell und Total zukommen.Eigentlich sollen diese Gelder dazu dienen, dass sich Menschen und die Wirtschaft von der Corona-Krise erholen können. Stattdessen werden damit Unternehmen unterstützt, die auf der ganzen Welt die Umwelt verschmutzen und gegen Menschenrechte verstoßen. HANDLE JETZT, damit sich das nicht wiederholt.
  • Just Recovery – The default option for politicians at the moment is to advocate for a swift return to a pre-Corona economy. For us, the climate justice movement, this is not the case. The Corona crisis has completely changed the political landscape and makes demands conceivable and necessary that seemed impossible a year ago. Our vision is to end the age of fossil fuels and to begin a justice-driven, ecological transformation that is induced from below by movements for climate, social and racial justice. In Germany, we are working with a powerful and intersectional coalition with 20+ organisations and movement groups to demand a just recovery for all that tackles the climate crisis and social inequality at the same time. You want to be part of this historic fight? Join us on our social media (FB, Twitter, Insta) and get directly in touch with us via our Movement Support Team.



  • Stop EACOP – Standard Bank, Africa’s biggest lender, and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) of Japan are reportedly about to finance a 1,443-kilometer crude oil pipeline through Uganda and Tanzania. If built, the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) would be the longest heated crude oil pipeline in the world and is expected to cause large-scale displacement of communities and pose grave risks to protected environments, water sources and wetlands in both Uganda and Tanzania. Please sign the petition and call on the banks not to finance this project and instead focus its finance on green projects which will positively transform East Africa’s economies for future generations.
  • Stop oil exploration in the Virunga – The immense and rich diversity of ecosystems, incomparable fauna and flora in the Virunga and Salonga parks which is of an exceptional universal value, is now threatened by licensing rounds for oil exploration by the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, through the Ministry of Hydrocarbons. The local communities and civil society demand that the Congolese government immediately put an end to the process for granting oil exploration licences within these sensitive ecosystems, including the decommissioning project for parts of the Virunga and Solanga Parks, both listed as UNESCO world heritage and RAMSAR sites.
  • Decoalonize – join the movement committed to stopping the development of coal and coal-related industries for a clean and sustainable energy future in Kenya and the region.
  • Green New Eskom – A campaign to push for a rapid & just transition to renewable energy for South Africa’s national utility Eskom – the biggest climate polluter on the African continent.


Latin America

  • An Amazon free from oil and gas – 47 indigenous communities and 22 conservation areas could be impacted by the oil and gas industry in the Brazilian Amazon. On December 4th, 2020, the Brazilian oil and gas agency (ANP) will hold yet another fossil fuel auction, one that will include indigenous lands and conservation areas. We must stop them!
  • Legisladores x el Ambiente / Legislators for the Environment – Trabajamos por leyes que impulsan iniciativas sustentables, protegen los recursos naturales
    y velan por la seguridad de las poblaciones amenazadas por la crisis climática.


North America

  • Build Back Fossil Free – Our country is in crisis. In the midst of a pandemic and climate catastrophe, our communities turned out in record numbers to elect you. Now it’s time to fulfill your promises to end the era of fossil fuel production, protect communities reeling from the climate and COVID-19 crises, and #BuildBackFossilFree.
  • Pass the Just Transition Act – Workers can’t keep waiting for help with the transition. They need action now. It’s time for Trudeau to keep his promise to workers and legislate the Just Transition Act.



  • Our Islands Our Home – Torres Strait Islanders are bringing the first climate change case against the Australian federal government over human rights.
  • ACC, Go Fossil Free – ACC, one of NZ’s major public investment funds, is using over $200 million of our public money to line the pockets of dirty fossil fuel companies that have knowingly pushed our climate to the brink of collapse and are now threatening to take us over the edge. Call on ACC to go fossil free.
  • Pacific Demands for Just Recovery – Pacific Island Leaders must take strong and decisive action on the climate crisis and a Just Recovery by responding to key policy demands.
  • Matagi Malohi: Strong Winds – A film that tells the story of our journey to uplift our people and shape a narrative that paints us not as victims of the climate crisis but as the leaders, the healers, the nurturers, the artists, the gardeners, the growers, the seafarers and the navigators we are.


Just Recovery for All

Thanks to everyone who shared and contributed to make this Gathering a success.

Featured Speakers & Artists

This event featured a powerful line-up of climate leaders and artists from all over the world, as well as interactive workshops and sessions for all experience levels.


The Global Just Recovery Gathering is a project led by We welcome organisations all over the world who want to partner. If you are interested, reach out to


Current Partners:

350 Côte d’Ivoire ★ 350 Ghana Reducing Our Carbon ★ 350 HK ★ 350 Kenya ★ 350 Pilipinas ★ 350 Seattle ★ 350 Taiwan ★ 350 Vietnam ★ Abibiman Foundation ★ Action Aid International ★ AFIEGO – Africa Institute for Energy Governance ★ Asian Environmental Youth Network ★ Association Catholique pour la Protection de l’Environnement au Burundi ★ Attac France ★ Avaaz ★ Açık Radyo ★ Beautiful Trouble ★ Bersihkan Indonesia Coalition ★ Better Food Foundation ★ BIPoC Climate Justice Network ★ Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği ★ C40 cities ★ CAD Zimbabwe ★ Campaign Bootcamp ★ CAN International ★ CAN Latin America ★ Catholic University of East Africa ★ Centre for Citizens Conserving – CECIC ★ Centre for Human Rights and Civic Education ★ Cercle des Grands Pionniers – Bénin ★ China Rights ★ CIEL ★ Climate Clock ★ Climate Justice Charter Movement ★ Climate Migration Network ★ Climáximo ★ deCOALonize ★ Defend ★ Defenders Dialogue China, inc. ★ Earthlife Africa ★ Engajamundo ★ European Network Against Racism ★ Fahamu Africa ★ Fossielvrij NL ★ Fossil Free South Africa ★ Fridays for Future Bangladesh ★ Fridays for Future Brazil ★ Fridays for Future Latin America ★ Fridays for Future Pakistan ★ Fridays for Future Uganda ★ Fridays for Future USA ★ Friends of the Earth International ★ Gaia Pacha ★ Gastivists ★ GIFSEP ★ Girls for Climate ★ Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action ★ Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice – DCJ ★ Global Catholic Climate Movement – Latin America ★ Global Gas & Oil Network ★ Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation – GIFSEP ★ Green Environment Youth Korea ★ Green Saturday ★ Greenfaith ★ Greenpeace Brasil ★ Greenpeace International ★ Greenpeace Mediterranean ★ Greenpeace South East Asia ★ HAKI Africa ★ Haki Nawiri Afrika ★ Hayatı ve Doğayı Koruma Platformu ★ Health of Mother Earth Foundation ★ Home Planet Books ★ IISD – International Institute for Sustainable Development ★ Instituto Alana ★ International Trade Union Confederation ★ International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific) ★ İklim İçin 350 ★ Jeune Vert Togo ★ Jeunesse Unie pour le Progrès et le Développement – JUPD ★ JVE Côte d’Ivoire ★ JVE International ★ JVE Rwanda ★ Kentsel Stratejiler ve Yerel Uygulamalar Derneği ★ Kenya Environmental Action Network ★ Kishoka Youth Organisation ★ Klima Action Malaysia – KAMY ★ Konzeptwerk Neue Oekonomie ★ Kozalak Derneği ★ Liberte o Futuro ★ Living Laudato Si ★ MOCICC ★ Museum of World Religions ★ Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) ★ Namati ★ Natural Justice Kenya ★ NEON ★ New/Mode ★ Newcastle Environmental Justice Alliance ★ Notre Affaire à Tous ★ Nu Climate Vision Klerksdorp ★ Oil Change International ★ Omnipresent Living Art ★ Oxfam International ★ Pathway to Paris ★ Poor People’s Campaign ★ Power for all ★ Powershift Nepal ★ Project 90 by 2030 ★ Rise for Climate Belgium ★ Réseau Climat Développement ★ Réseau des Associations pour la Protection de l’Environnement – Sénégal ★ SAFCEI ★ Save Lamu ★ Seed Mob ★ Shell Must Fall ★ Sierra Club ★ Sierra Leone School Green Clubs ★ TEMA Vakfı ★ The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty ★ the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination ★ The Movement Hub ★ Türkiye Tabiatını Koruma Derneği Ayvalık Temsilciliği ★ Uganda’s Little Green Hands ★ Ulex Project ★ United Front ★ Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance ★ VAM asbl ★ Waterberg Women’s Advocacy Organisation ★ WeMove African Youth Initiative on Climate Change – AYICC ★ WESSA ★ WoMin African Alliance ★ World Resource Institute Africa ★ Yeni İnsan Yayınevi ★ Yerel İzleme Araştırma ve Uygulamalar Derneği ★ Yeryüzü Derneği ★ Yeşil Düşünce Derneği ★ Yeşil Gelecek Derneği ★ Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines ★ YouthNet for Climate Justice ★ YUVA ★ Zetkin Collective

Made with for the planet.

Global Just Recovery is led by